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Digital ID is The Mark of the Beast


Updated: Feb 29, 2024

Bill Gates, a prominent figure on the global stage, has actively advocated for the implementation of a digital identification program, which he believes could be a potent instrument in the fight against poverty. However, his vision of a social credit scoring system, often likened to the biblical "Mark of the Beast," has encountered significant skepticism and scrutiny within online communities.

Digital ID

What is the definition of digital identity?

Digital identity refers to the collection of information and data that distinguishes an individual within the digital realm. Put simply, it is an electronic portrayal of a person, frequently employed for accessing online services, conducting transactions, and engaging with others in digital environments.

This encompassing digital identity may encompass personal details alongside a person's online activities and interactions.

In online discussions, individuals have raised concerns about Gates' proposal for a digital identification system, noting its striking resemblance to the ominous "Mark of the Beast" system mentioned in biblical prophecies. Critics argue that this system, instead of its intended purpose, could potentially lead to exclusion from essential services for those who fail to conform to specific rules, actions, or requirements.

Cybersecurity expert Mike Benz, adding..

“Like most things Gates advertises, the exact opposite is true.” “A nationwide Digital ID won’t make it easier for gov’t to provide services — it will make it easier for gov’t to shut you out of services.”

Digital identities present a host of questions and dilemmas, primarily centered around the issue of control:

  1. Centralized vs. Decentralized Data Storage: One critical concern is whether my digital data is stored in a centralized or decentralized manner. If it's centralized, it becomes an appealing target for potential attackers. As an individual, I may worry about the possibility of being held to ransom.

  2. Lifetime Unique Identifier: The question of whether I will retain the same unique identifier throughout my lifetime arises. The European Union recently rejected the concept of a lifelong unique identifier due to concerns about privacy and anonymity.

  3. Universal Usage of Digital Identity: Another point of contention is whether every company will require my digital identity for their login services. The significance differs significantly depending on whether it's an e-commerce platform facilitating a shampoo purchase or a financial or medical institution managing sensitive data with stringent security requirements.

  4. Regulation Enforcement Responsibility: Determining who bears the responsibility for enforcing regulations is crucial. Should it be my responsibility to only share the necessary information, or should it lie with the service provider or government?

In the realm of digital identities, these questions underscore the need for careful consideration and robust regulatory frameworks to address the associated challenges and ensure user privacy and security.

Revelation 13:16-17 of the King James Bible states, “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”

In light of the globalists' push to establish a technocratic one-world government control system, it's unsurprising that Bill Gates is actively promoting the introduction of a digital identification system. However, an increasing number of Christians and individuals concerned about privacy are becoming aware of the potential malevolent implications of this totalitarian agenda. This growing awareness is fueling a heightened level of resistance that is unprecedented in its intensity.

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